Food Waste

New partnership to reduce food waste is launched by Radisson Hotel Group and Too Good To Go

A new partnership to implement positive actions and fight climate change is announced by one of the world’s leading hotel groups - Radisson Hotel Group, with mobile application Too Good To Go in Europe, which connects consumers and restaurants with unsold leftover food.

Too Good To Go is the #1 anti-food waste app as they state that every year, they are on a mission to reduce the food that typically goes to waste as this surplus food also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, Too Good To Go operates solely in Europe, thus the Radisson Hotel Group hotels in Europe contribute towards fighting against food waste and the negative impact that it comes with on the environment and other resources.

A large amount of food is wasted for numerous reasons throughout the world, from individuals over-ordering and restaurants over-preparing. The new partnership can work alongside the Hotel Groups current aim regarding responsible consumption as their current measures include portion control and enhanced storage for food to encourage food preservation.

The consumer can download the free app and purchase surplus food at a set discounted price. This allows both parties to support conserving the environment through lessening food, energy, and water waste. The destinations involved include but are not limited to Austria, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France, the Netherlands, and Spain. These destinations will be able to provide additional food for their local community.

From its commencement, it has been reported that Radisson Hotel Group has prevented 15,367 meals from being wasted, which tallies to a CO² decline of 37.6 tons.

Mette Lykke, Chief Executive Officer of Too Good To Go says: “The latest figures on global food waste from the WWF have discovered the problem to be even higher than previously believed, with 40% of all food going to waste. We need to address this urgently to avoid going backwards on progress we’ve made in recent years. It is through partnerships like this that businesses can make an impact at scale, which we absolutely have a responsibility to do, on the complicated issue of food waste.” 

Inge Huijbrechts, Global Senior Vice President Sustainability, Security and Corporate Communications at Radisson Hotel Group said: “In light of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Too Good To Go. It strengthens our positive impact and is fully aligned with our sustainability goals, including setting science-based emissions reduction targets This strong partnership across Europe highlights the importance of tackling food waste in reaching the UN’s goal of SDG 12.3, to cut global food waste in half by 2030.”

Sustainability gives better financial results and more loyal customers

Introducing smaller plates in the restaurant, dialogue with the guests concerning environmental issues and investment in a new water system are some of the many sustainability initiatives that have brought Guldsmeden Hotels into the “sustainability super league”.

Photo: © Guldsmeden Hotels

Photo: © Guldsmeden Hotels

Guldsmeden Hotels have worked with sustainability ever since they opened their first hotel in Aarhus (Denmark) around 20 years ago. In the beginning, the main focus was on organic food, and since 2005, almost all ingredients on the breakfast menu are organic. At the same time, the group increased its focus on other sustainable choices, for example, buying renewable energy. Since 2010, Guldsmeden has furthermore focused on the communication about sustainability to its guests through its participation in different certification programmes. The Guldsmeden Hotels in Denmark have had the Green Key certification since 2017. For the group, it was important to have Green Key as a partner to discuss sustainability issues and to receive external recognition for their efforts.

Photo: © Guldsmeden Hotels

Photo: © Guldsmeden Hotels

Today, sustainability is the main focus in all areas of the groups business operations. For example, the hotels are very active in minimising their waste. They reduce their food waste by using smaller plates and by using leftover food from the breakfast to make, for example, paninis for lunch or for creating muesli. The guests are involved in their work through messages such as “Love Food, Hate Waste” and “Take all you can eat. Eat all that you take” or by competitions, where guests can win a reward for creating the least food waste.


Kirsten Aggersborg, Sustainability Director at Guldsmeden Hotels, says;

We measure the food waste from the production in the kitchen and the plates of the guests. Involving our guests has made a big difference in our efforts to reducing food waste. This is good for the environment, but it is also good for our financial result as we have been able to reduce our purchases by 15 per cent.

Furthermore, Guldsmeden Hotels are ensuring that their furniture and textiles are durable and made from natural materials. The bed linen, for example, is made from organic cotton or reused polyester. In addition, the hotels have been part of a pilot test for a new advanced shower system that reuses 90% of the water and saves energy through an intelligent water circle system. Kirsten Aggersborg explains that it was a bit more expensive to change to this shower system. However, the return on investment was only a few years.

 Besides, Guldsmeden Hotels have their own personal care product line, called “iLoveEcoEssentials”, with bottles that are refillable and products that do not contain microplastic. The products are also available for purchase at the reception and even online. In fact, the guests appreciate the personal care products so much that the external sales cover the costs for the products in the guest rooms.

Kirsten Aggersborg explains,

The work with sustainability has also affected Guldsmeden Hotels in regards to guest loyalty. First of all, we have differentiated ourselves by working with sustainability on all levels. This includes the dialogue with the guests on sustainability issues, which makes unique in comparison to many other hotels. We can see that this has resulted in guest loyalty, where many guests return to us due to our direct relationship with them.

Photo: © Guldsmeden Hotels

Photo: © Guldsmeden Hotels

For other hotels wishing to work with sustainability, Kirsten Aggersborg has the following recommendations:

Find a certification scheme, such as Green Key, and use them as a partner in the development of the work with sustainability. Start by evaluating all the various small elements in your business, where you can potentially make a difference. Stay curious and use the opportunities arising to achieve new knowledge and develop new products that fit your establishment.

There are seven Guldsmeden Hotels in Denmark, and the group also has hotels in Iceland, Norway, Germany, France and Bali (Indonesia). For more information about Guldsmeden Hotels, please visit

French Radisson Blu Hotel turns food waste into organic fertiliser

The Green Key awarded Radisson Blu, Paris, Marne la Vallée, located in the outskirts of Paris, has purchased a new machine to convert its organic waste to fertiliser.


Like most hotels, the Radisson Blu, Paris, Marne la Vallée has to deal with the issue of food waste. Besides using other smart methods to reduce the food waste, the hotel has purchased a machine that extracts water of the organic waste and turns the remains into powder that can be used as fertiliser. The hotel is also installing a water retention tank to recuperate the approximately 80 litres extracted from the food waste per load.  The system will allow the hotel to wash their docking bay and fill their cleaning machines.

Melyssa Cassin, Responsible Business Coordinator at Radisson Blu, Paris, Marne la Vallée says: “We are very focused on lowering our environmental footprint at our hotel in various ways, and we are very proud of having the machine that converts bio-waste into organic fertiliser. By converting the 100 kg of bio-waste created at the hotel daily, we avoid transportation of the organic waste, collected now only once a month and in a few weeks we’ll also be reusing the water from the machine, really zero waste.”


The hotel is also working on lowering its environmental footprint in many other ways, and the hotel has focus on the social aspect of sustainability. To support job opportunities for persons with challenges, the hotel hires a company that employs people with disabilities to be in charge of the management of the green areas of the hotel.